About Us
NTT Consultants is a company established in 1997 and a sister concern of NTT Computers & Communications. NTT C&C has a focus on providing hardware based solutions since 1989; while NTT Consultants was formed with a focus on providing Turnkey Internet and Intranet solutions. The company operates from India's economic and
trading capital - Mumbai. The company has successully ventured
into Software Development, and Internet Webhosting activities, with an aim in mind -
To Provide Costeffective Internet & Intranet Solutions, without any compromise in Quality!
NTT India accepts orders from all over India through its resellers, and has
steadily built a satisfied customer base.
Contact Address :
NTT Consultants
6, Gauri Shankar, 50-A Pestom Sagar,
Chembur, Mumbai - 400 089.
Telephone: 91-22-5222505, 9820140769
Fax: 91-22-5244874
E-mail: sales@nttindia.com
Emergency: emergency@nttindia.com